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Англо-русский строительный словарь - burn


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Перевод с английского языка burn на русский


1) горение, сгорание

2) клеймо; заусенец

3) пережог

4) обжигать

to burn down — сжечь (до основания, дотла)

to burn in — наваривать

to burn off — отжигать, сгорать

to burn on — наваривать

to burn out — выгорать, выжигать, перегорать

to burn through — прожигать

to burn together — спекать, спекаться

to burn up — сжигать

acid burn

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См. в других словарях

  1) прижог (при шлифовании)2) ожог || обжигать3) пережог (напр. стали при закалке) || пережигать4) выгорание (напр. компонентов при сварке)5) пригорание (напр. контактов)6) прокаливать•to burn in — навариватьto burn off — плавиться (напр. об электроде)to burn through — проплавлять насквозь; прожигатьto burn up — передержать (при высокой температуре), переэкспонироватьgrinding burnthermal burnX-ray burn ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  with вспылить; рассвирепеть Jim burned with anger when he heard how Mary had been treated. BURN up  а) зажигать Put some more wood on the fire to make it burn up.  б) sl. вспылить; рассвирепеть  в) сжигать All the wood has been burnt up.  г) сгореть The spacecraft burned up when it re-entered in-earths atmosphere.  д) ругать кого-л. The director burned Jim up for being late again.  е) рассердить кого-л. I get all burned up when I hear how animals are badly treated.  ж) ехать на большой скорости по чему-л. This fast car really burns up the road. BURN to death сжечь (кого-л.) BURN I noun scot. ручей II  1. noun  1) ожог  2) клеймо  3) выжигание растительности на земле, предназначенной к обработке to give smb. a burn - окинуть кого-л. уничтожающим взглядом  2. v.  1) жечь, палить, сжигать; прожигать; выжигать - burn to ashes - burn to a cinder - burn to a crisp - burn to death  2) сгорать, гореть, пылать also fig. to burn with fever - быть (как) в жару; пылать, как в огне  3) обжигать, получать ожог  4) вызывать загар (о солнце)  5) загорать (о коже)  6) подгорать (о пище)  7) обжигать (кирпичи)  8) med. прижигать  9) сжигать в ядерном реакторе  10) резать (металл) автогеном - burn away - burn down - burn for - burn into - burn off - burn out - burn up - burn with she has money to burn - у нее денег куры не клюют to burn the candle at both ends - безрассудно тратить силы, энергию - burn daylight to burn the midnight oil засиживаться за работой до глубокой ночи to burn ones...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ожог; обожженное место burn ointment —- мазь от ожогов to die of burns —- умереть от ожогов 2. клеймо 3. выжигание растительности (на земле, предназначенной к обработке) 4. обжиг (кирпича и т. п.) 5. разг. сигарета 6. сл. надувательство, обман 7. реакт. поджиг ракетного двигателя 8. жечь, сжигать (также burn down) 9. выжигать, прожигать 10. использовать в качестве топлива; топить (каким-л. материалом) to burn coal in one's grate —- топить камин углем 11. физ. сжигать в ядерном реакторе 12. хим. сгорать, быстро окисляться 13. гореть, пылать, сгорать (также burn away) damp wood will not burn —- сырое дерево не горит the fire was burning away cheerfully —- огонь весело горел 14. пылать, гореть to burn with fever —- быть в жару, пылать как в огне to burn with enthusiasm —- гореть энтузиазмом his hands and forehead were burning —- его руки и лоб пылали 15. гореть, светить (о лампе и т. п.) 16. гореть, сверкать (о звездах и т. п.) all the lights were burning —- горели все огни stars were burning dimly —- звезды светили тускло 17. (for) иметь страстное желание (обладать чем-л.) he burns for his moment of glory —- он жаждет славы 18. обжигать, получать ожог to burn one's fingers —- обжечь пальцы; обжечься (на чем-л.) the coffee is very hot, don't burn your mouth —- кофе очень горячий, не обожгись his hands were badly burnt with acids —- на его руках были...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) гарь, пожарище; выжигать 2) ожог ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. гл. 1) общ. гореть, быть охваченным огнем (также в переносном значении) 2) бирж. жечь* (относится к чрезмерному количеству операций брокера по счету клиента с целью увеличения объема комиссий) See: broker, commission 3) сленг обмануть партнера по бизнесу, лишить доли 4) сленг ограбить, обмануть, использовать в корыстных целях 5) сленг разочароваться в бизнесе 6) сленг просить, занимать что-л. 7) с.-х. клеймить; выжигать тавро 2. сущ. 1) общ. ожог 2) с.-х. клеймо; тавро 3) СМИ послеизображение 4) полигр. (часть печатного процесса, состоящая в отпечатывании изображения на пластине) 5) сленг сигарета ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  электроэрозия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) горение, сгорание гореть, сгорать 2) ожог, прижог обжигать, прижигать 3) сжигание сжигать 4) пережог пережигать 5) выгорание, пригорание выгорать, пригорать 6) обгорать 7) подгореть 8) гореть, пылать 9) прожигать to burn coal — работать на угле to burn dead — сжечь дотла to burn fuel oil — работать на мазуте to burn gaseous fuel — работать на газообразном топливе to burn limestone — обжигать известняк to burn motor — сжечь двигатель to burn solid fuel — работать на твердом топливе to burn spot in screen — прожигать экран кинескопа to burn steel — пережигать сталь - controlled burn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) программировать программируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство, программировать ППЗУ 2) ожог 3) пережигать – electric burn – ion burn – screen burn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  обжиг (кирпича) burn of wires cement burns ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) горение, сгорание гореть, сгорать 2) жечь, сжигать 3) подвулканизовываться 4) ожог; прижог 5) выгорание; выжигание; прожигание; обгорание выгорать; выжигать; прожигать; обгорать 6) сварка пережог; прожог, проплавление насквозь 7) тлв послеизображение 8) вчт. программировать ППЗУ (с плавкими перемычками) 9) космонавт. импульс тяги 10) космонавт. включение двигателя 11) тавро выжигать тавро to burn in — вжигать; to burn off — производить огневую отрезку (колпачков выдувных стеклоизделий); to burn out — выгорать; to burn together — спекать(ся) - accelerating burn - acid burn - apogee burn - circularization burn - control burn - corrective burn - cryogenic burn - decelerating burn - freezer burn - fusion burn - image burn - impulsive burns - ion burn - landing burn - main engine burn - multiple impulsive burns - multiple burns - orbit insertion burn - partial burn - perigee burn - phasing burn - propulsive burn - raster burn - recircularization burn - reorbit burn - retrofire burn - screen burn - thermonuclear burn - total burn - transversal burn ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. burnt or burned) 1 tr. & intr. be or cause to be consumed or destroyed by fire. 2 intr. a blaze or glow with fire. b be in the state characteristic of fire. 3 tr. & intr. be or cause to be injured or damaged by fire or great heat or by radiation. 4 tr. & intr. use or be used as a source of heat, light, or other energy. 5 tr. & intr. char or scorch in cooking (burned the vegetables; the vegetables are burning). 6 tr. produce (a hole, a mark, etc.) by fire or heat. 7 tr. a subject (clay, chalk, etc.) to heat for a purpose. b harden (bricks) by fire. c make (lime or charcoal) by heat. 8 tr. colour, tan, or parch with heat or light (we were burnt brown by the sun). 9 tr. & intr. put or be put to death by fire. 10 tr. a cauterize, brand. b (foll. by in) imprint by burning. 11 tr. & intr. make or be hot, give or feel a sensation or pain of or like heat. 12 tr. & intr. (often foll. by with) make or be passionate; feel or cause to feel great emotion (burn with shame). 13 intr. sl. drive fast. 14 tr. US sl. anger, infuriate. 15 intr. (foll. by into) (of acid etc.) gradually penetrate (into) causing disintegration. --n. 1 a mark or injury caused by burning. 2 the ignition of a rocket engine in flight, giving extra thrust. 3 US, Austral., & NZ a forest area cleared by burning. 4 sl. a cigarette. 5 sl. a car race. Phrases and idioms burn one's boats (or bridges) commit oneself irrevocably. burn the candle at both ends exhaust one's strength or resources by undertaking too much. burn down 1 a destroy (a building) by burning. b (of a building) be destroyed by fire. 2 burn less vigorously as fuel fails. burn one's fingers suffer for meddling or rashness. burn a hole in one's pocket (of money) be quickly spent. burning-glass a lens for concentrating the sun's rays on an object to burn it. burn low (of fire) be nearly out. burn the midnight oil read or work late into the night. burn out 1 be reduced to nothing by burning. 2 fail or cause to fail by burning. 3 (usu. refl.) esp. US suffer physical or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German brunno spring of water  Date: before 12th century British creek 2  II. verb  (~ed or ~t; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English birnen, from Old English byrnan, verbi., b?rnan, verbt.; akin to Old High German brinnan to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases a small fire ~s on the hearth  b. to undergo combustion; also to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion  c. to contain a fire a little stove ~ing in the corner  d. to give off light ; shine, glow a light ~ing in the window  2.  a. to be hot the ~ing sand  b. to produce or undergo discomfort or pain ears ~ing from the cold  c. to become emotionally excited or agitated: as  (1) to yearn ardently ~ing to tell the story  (2) to be or become very angry or disgusted the remark made him ~  3.  a. to undergo alteration or destruction by the action of fire or heat the house ~ed down the potatoes ~ed to a crisp  b. to die in the electric chair  4. to force or make a way by or as if by ~ing her words ~ed into his heart  5. to suffer sun~ she ~s easily  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to undergo combustion; especially to destroy by fire ~ed the trash  b. to use as fuel this furnace ~s gas  c. to use up ; consume ~ calories  2.  a. to transform by exposure to heat or fire ~ clay to bricks  b. to produce by ~ing ~ed a hole in his sleeve  c. to record digital data or music on (an optical disk) using a laser ~ a CD; also to record (data or music) in this way ~ songs onto a disk  3.  a. to injure or damage by or as if by exposure to fire, heat, or radiation ; scorch ~ed his hand  b. to execute by ~ing ~ed heretics at the stake; also electrocute  4.  a. irritate, annoy — often used with up really ~s me up  b. to subject to misfortune, mistreatment, or deception — often used in passive has been ~ed in love  c. to beat or score on ~ed the defense with a touchdown...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (burns, burning, burned, burnt) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The past tense and past participle is 'burned' in American English, and 'burned' or 'burnt' in British English. 1. If there is a fire or a flame somewhere, you say that there is a fire or flame burning there. Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city... There was a fire burning in the large fireplace... VERB: V, V 2. If something is burning, it is on fire. When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning... That boy was rescued from a burning house. VERB: V, V-ing • burning When we arrived in our village there was a terrible smell of burning. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you burn something, you destroy or damage it with fire. Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building... Coal fell out of the fire, and burned the carpet. VERB: V n, V n • burning The French government has criticized the burning of a US flag outside the American Embassy. N-UNCOUNT 4. If you burn a fuel or if it burns, it is used to produce heat, light, or energy. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region... Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol. VERB: V n, V 5. If you burn something that you are cooking or if it burns, you spoil it by using too much heat or cooking it for too long. I burnt the toast... Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily. VERB: V n, V • burnt ...the smell of burnt toast. ADJ 6. If you burn part of your body, burn yourself, or are burnt, you are injured by fire or by something very hot. Take care not to burn your fingers... If you are badly burnt, seek medical attention. VERB: V n, be V-ed, also V pron-refl • Burn is also a noun. She suffered appalling burns to her back. N-COUNT 7. If someone is burnt or burnt to death, they are killed by fire. Women were burned as witches in the middle ages... At least 80 people were burnt to death when their...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past and past participle burnt or burned FIRE 1 »PRODUCE HEAT« to produce heat and flames  (Is the fire still burning?) 2 »DESTROY WITH FIRE« to be destroyed by fire or destroy something with fire  (burn sth)  (I burnt all his old letters.) 3 burn to the ground/burn to ashes if a building burns to the ground, it is completely destroyed by fire 4 burn sth to a crisp/cinder to burn something until it is black, especially by cooking it for too long 5 »DAMAGE BY FIRE« to damage something or hurt someone with fire or heat, or be hurt or damaged in this way  (I've burnt my hand. | Quick, the toast's burning! | burn a hole in)  (Be careful you don't burn a hole in the chair with your cigarette.) CHEMICALS 6 to damage or destroy something by a chemical action; corrode KILL 7 be burned to death/burned alive to be killed in a fire 8 burn sb at the stake to kill someone by tying them to a post on top of a fire PRODUCE POWER/LIGHT 9 if you burn a fuel, or if it burns, it is used to produce power, heat, light etc  (The central heating boiler burns oil.) 10 »SHINE« if a light or lamp burns, it shines or produces light  (A light was burning in her window.) FEELING/EMOTION 11 to feel unpleasantly hot or make part of your body feel like this  (I'm afraid the ointment might burn a bit.) 12 »BE EMBARRASSED« if your face or cheeks are burning, they feel hot because you are embarrassed or upset 13 be burning with rage/desire etc to feel an emotion very strongly 14 be burning to do sth to want to do something very much  (Hannah's burning to tell you her news.) 15 it burns me/her/John etc that AmE used to say that something makes someone feel angry or jealous  (It really burns me the way they treat us.) 16 be/get burned to be emotionally hurt by someone or something MONEY 17 burn a hole in your pocket if money is burning a hole in your pocket, you want to spend it as soon as you can 18 burn your fingers/get your fingers burned informal to suffer the unpleasant results of something that you have done  (George got his fingers...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., combination of O.N. brenna "to burn, light," and two originally distinct O.E. verbs: bжrnan "to kindle" (trans.) and beornan "to be on fire" (intrans.), both from P.Gmc. *brenwanan, from PIE *bhre-n-u, from base *bhereu- "to boil forth, well up." This root was also the source of O.E. born, burne "a spring, fountain," still common in place names. Meaning "cheat, swindle, victimize" is late 17c. Burnout "drug user" is early 1970s slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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